With our buying guides, we have already helped thousands of customers to find the right product. At this point we want to create a little more clarity and transparency about how our evaluations and the rankings are carried out.
Because we do not have the capacity of a large test-magazine like Which? that can thoroughly check every product, we follow a different approach and put ourselves in the position of the customer. We first research extensively the most relevant products and collect all the information that is available to us about them, which will then be included in our evaluation procedure.
Our specially developed algorithm then analyzes the collected information and evaluates each product taking into account the following factors:

Technical Specifications
We compare and evaluate the products according to their characteristics and technical data. Extensive equipment or a large scope of supply is used for this purpose.

Customer Satisfaction
We also evaluate the customer satisfaction and experience with the products. In addition to customer reviews, we also take into account opinions from social networks, forums and blogs.

Price-Performance Ratio
We take into account the price-performance ratio of each product just like our customers. Are there similarly well equipped products at cheaper prices? This is what we consider during this process.

Expert Opinions
We also use existing expert knowledge and explicitly look for test ratings from institutions such as Which? or other trade magazines and include them in our decision making process.

We also look for popularity in shopping portals and price comparisons. Bestsellers and products, which have long been very popular, are acknowledged accordingly.